
E-Publishing Service

The open eBook file format is worthwhile for contemporaneous readers. ePub is an online page associated with thousands of books in different file formats. Among the ranges of e-published books, readers can download any on their digital device

E-publishing is short for electronic publishing, referring to a type of publishing that does not include printed books. Instead, it takes the format of works published online, on a compact disk, emailed, or provided in a file format compatible with handheld electronic readers. This is an alternate form of publication especially attractive to new writers, and it has both advantages and disadvantages over traditional printed books.

eBook and ePub Services

Every publishing houses, schools and universities are working hard to create a paperless environment possibly to help the eco system and also to make the experience of reading or learning seamless. The advent of gadgets integrated with seamless internet services have expanded reach and widened the boundaries. Today we are talking about paper thin gadgets which can soon become reality and bring back the Realtime paper reading experience but electronically, as a major step towards that, all major publishing agencies, printers, schools and universities need to fast convert their paper contents to electronic format.

We are pioneers in creating eBooks and ePub from all possible inputs that can be offered into all major reading devices and applications. We can create eBooks, ePub, Kindle, Mobi, Nook and all other possible outputs and deploy them into specific online stores.

We have capabilities to create a simple text only fixed layout eBook/ePub to complex multicolumn and interactive eBook/ePub.

XML / MathML Conversion

One of the most widely sought after web-publishing format is XML. The platform allowsfor an easy storage and display of content on the web. The XML format is the most chosen because of its scalability. It is in the nature of an XML conversion to make information ready in a structural format and available for use at ease.

we have executed a number of XML conversions from print-ready output for publishers and companies in the past with a team of experts who can produce accurate digitized work in rich XML formats.


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